Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Meet THE Cat

My name is Cleo (yes, I was named after Queen Cleopatra – can you see the resemblance? My human followers saw it too, only they did not know back then I am NOT a girl!) and for the past 15 years I’ve been bringing joy to two humans and doom upon another servant of mine – feline this one.


It was Friday 13th (of August, I heard them say – does that make me a lion 😁? neah, I’m
more of a tiger person) when I strategically placed myself in the middle of a small side road, hoping for the best. And it came in the form of a big monster on four paws that rolled. The monster blinked his luminous eyes at me, then yelled at me Beep-beeeep!, but I knew better than to move my precious behind out of the way. The monster spread his arms apart and then a smaller minion on two feet came to me, gently lifted me up and then a miracle happened!